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How to neutralize a wasp bite

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to protect your loved ones from trouble. Already at school, we were told that some insects are dangerous to our health. The most dangerous insects living in the middle latitudes are bumblebees, hornets, bees and wasps. Naturally, you need to know what each of these "biting" looks like. But for a modern person, this is not a problem, since the Internet will always answer any incomprehensible question. As for the bee sting, or rather, if it was done by one individual and if you are not allergic, then the bite does not need special treatment. Of course, as soon as this happens, you have to get the sting out of the wound, put something cold on the bite site. But the situation is complicated by the bite of several bees. Therefore, you will have to start a special treatment.Safe insects are bumblebees, which of course can bite, although the probability of this is quite small. The most aggressive representatives of the wasp family are hornets and wasps, so their bites should be feared. If you get bitten by one of these little scoundrels, you need to go to the doctor, since each person has their own reaction. The best case is that the bite will not be noticed, and the worst case is an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.What to do if it is not clear what has bitten you: a wasp or a hornet? In this case, self-diagnosis will help you. Basically, soon the body will inform you about the wasp bite. And to be more precise, the bitten place will turn red, begin to burn, swelling will form on it. A more vivid manifestation of these symptoms is observed when a child or a person with weakened immunity is bitten. You were definitely bitten by a bee if the bite site started to swell. When bitten by a wasp or hornet, swelling will appear at the bite site, the victim will begin to feel a burning sensation, redness will appear at the bite site. Body temperature will also rise.Anyone can perform primary wound treatment. So, first you need to get the sting. Do not try to look for a wasp sting in the wound. Before removing the bee sting, you need to wipe the wound with alcohol. After that, taking tweezers, carefully pull out the sting and again treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Then you need to prevent the spread of the poison through the body. To do this, the victim should be given a large amount of sweet liquid to drink. You can also put a compress on the bite site (1 tsp. soda per 1 glass of water). Perhaps you have run out of soda, then just attach refined sugar to the wound. Now you have access to all real live draw data from the Crazy Time wheel. You can compare the theoretical odds with the numbers actually posted on these live game shows. In addition, you have all the best late numbers data in Crazy Time statistics to think about the strategy of the game.

